North Orange County Community College District

Program Management
Financial Management

Project Description

North Orange County CCD
Anaheim, California

MAAS Companies was selected to collaborate with the North Orange County Community College District to provide program management services for their Measure J Bond. Passed in March 2015, the $574M bond provides for significant upgrades to technical job training facilities, aging classrooms, and veteran amenities at Fullerton College, Cypress College, and the three North Orange Continuing Education campuses.

Key Measure J project priorities include upgrades to antiquated science labs, lecture halls, technology and instructional equipment to better prepare students for growing fields of study and high-skill careers; enhancements of classroom space and training centers for future nurses, firefighters and other first responders, as well as technically-trained workers; and expansion of veterans’ facilities and services as well as job-placement centers to train and re-train veterans as they transition into the civilian workforce. Improvements also call for general health and safety repairs, energy-efficiency enhancements, and other needed facility renovations on each of the District's three campuses.

MAAS, in collaboration with the District, is utilizing its proprietary program management software, ForSitePro, to manage both the project and financial data for the Measure J Bond program.

For more information about the NOCCCD program and projects, please visit: Measure J Program Website

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